
Sunday - 9AM God wants you well.
10:30 bringing of the message with demonstration and power of the Spirit not merely the "wisdom" of men.
1 Cor. 2:1-5 empowerment communities coming soon. Christ in you! Colossians 1:27 nO SUPER DUPERS! IT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY WORD. IGNORANCE HAS A PRICE (hOSEA 4:6)


850 N i-45 service rd



Welcome to the same works and greater

Jesus said, "IF you continue in my word you shall be my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free".  Praise the LORD!  It is an equal opportunity Word and it is only the truth you know and actually choose to believe and exercise that actually sets you free.  If you don't believe it, it won't work for you.  So choose to believe.

come and join us and grow and the grace and knowledge of our lord jesus christ.  although we will have some music, true worship comes from being a doer of the word and the empowerment of the holy spirit. to do the word we must know the word.