About Us


Sunday - 9am God wants you well faith activation class.. 10:30 bringing of the message. we believe we worship god best when we learn that he has empowered us and we become doers of the word: we will do our best to teach you. empowerment communities coming soon. Christ in you! Colossians 1:27 nO SUPER DUPERS! IT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY WORD. IGNORANCE HAS A PRICE (hOSEA 4:6 Luke 6:46-49 2Peter 1:1-5 Romans 8 etc..)


If you are ready to next level your believing we may be the place for you. 

THE SAME WORKS AND GREATER is a dynamic meeting of believers in ENNIS TEXAS. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is very simple: to lead people to honor and glorify Jesus Christ by learning to walk in what he already paid for.

we are not about a building or some complicated religious system, but about helping people from all backgrounds discover the joy that comes from knowing and serving Jesus Christ and building the kingdom one warrior at a time where seed bears seed.

This won't be the typical blind leading the blind gathering as you may have experienced before teaching you how to walk like regular man trying to cope in life naturally and be a nice person (Romans 8:6-7 1 Corinthians 2:14).  We will do Our part to teach you accurate teaching to believe and receive regardless of what you may have been taught against your whole life and walk in the power of the Holy Ghost: to walk like a son or daughter of the Most High versus a trained pew sitter.  The goal is to start and assist over a 1000 house churches that dare to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

It is an equal opportunity Word.  We are not in the Old Testament looking for special anointings but are beyond Pentecost living in the power of the Holy Spirit that has been freely given (Acts 1:8).  The mystery of the Gospel is Christ in you!  Colossians 1:27 Every believer should be able to do something with that as soon as they know they can and that they are actually expected to.  You don't need special anointings you have the anointing of Jesus Christ.


Faith is an action word.  It actually believes God at His Word and implements it.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.  What you believe you will do and not merely be a spectator.  We are do be doers of the Word.  Faith is not a passive waiting.  It is believing and doing the Word.  The LORD's Word is His instruction manual for us on this side of Heaven.  Our faith was never meant to come from theological debate but the performance of the Word in power. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5 Luke 6:46-49). 


At THE SAME WORKS AND GREATER we value the family and we believe church should be a place for people of all ages. The Gospel so simple even for kids that we would need help to mess it up.  But we have had a lot of help.  Kids will be in the main auditorium with the adults as they often pick the simplicity of the message quicker than an adult that has to be detoxed from bad teaching.


THE SAME WORKS AND GREATER is guided by like minded believers who provide overall direction and watch over the spiritual needs of the church. Our preachers provide sound, practical, biblical teaching at each meeting that you should be able to with time and discipline be transformed.  Start listening to and repeating the over 121 YouTubes.  https://www.youtube.com/@jeffreytrojacekthegospelch8404