March 16, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
850 N I-45 Ennis, TX 75119
When we miss God's heart when it comes to healing we tend to miss it just about everywhere else. God does want you well! His Son Jesus paid for it! He is not picking and choosing who gets healed. (THE ZOOM LINK FOR THIS CLASS IS YOU CAN SIGN IN AT 8:50 CST.)Just like you getting born again He lets you decide if you are going to apply His Word to your life when it comes to sickness and disease. He did not force you to get born again (believe on Jesus as Savior..John 3:16-18) and He is not going to force you to receive healing and deliverance. It is an equal opportunity Word but man likes man's way. The good news is you can learn to walk by becoming a doer of His Word instead of a hearer and learn how to put on your full armor of God. (That is all great news! If you are battling sickness God has had nothing to do with it John 10:10) and you can be healed as soon as you can change your mind (Romans 12:2) and believe His Word and become a doer of the Word (Mark 11:22-24). But let the double minded man expect nothing (James). See below for study details to look at the online manual or order you a hardcopy from Andrew Wommack Ministries.
This is an Andrew Wommack Study. God Wants You Well but We will be applying what we have learned over many years of walking out Matthew 10:7-8 which is a command (not a request) for every disciple. This is 18 week lesson that will change your life you allow it as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds to His truth versus what the world, the devil, and modern religion has taught. (Mark 7:13 Romans 12:2) You put in the time and the work to remove those learned roadblocks to Biblical healing and you will see your life change. We are not saying it is easy to change your mind but it can be done. When we misunderstand God's heart when to comes to healing we tend to miss it just about everywhere else. The LORD is not the one holding back. Healing ministry to follow in the time afterward until noon. To order a manual or book for the class call 719-635-1111 (Andrew Wommack Ministries). for an online copy of this and other material offered by Andrew Wommack Ministries. If you cannot attend in person but would like to sign up for the Zoom link you can go to and search Jeffrey Trojacek for class sign up.